I decided a week before spring break to drive out and see my parents. I left at 7 am on Friday morning and get there at 7pm Friday night. I got there in pretty good tim with two kids. The trip started off bad but got better. As soon as I got on I-80 Ty throw up then a minute later Kylee did. I thought oh great now what. I cleaned them up and changed both of them and went on. Ty then throw up again about 30 minutes later. Stopped and cleaned him up again. After that they both fell asleep until Elko where we stopped for lunch. After that we stopped in Reno and then Home.
Ty playing with grandpa's glasses
Our way home:
Went ok until Lodi where Ty throw up again and Kylee right after. So we stopped and Mickey Grove exist and cleaned them up. Then Ty throw up again on I-80 in Sac. After that they fell asleep until Fernley where we fulled up gas. We stopped a few more times on the way home and wasn't as good of a trip there, but we got home safely and were happy to be home.