Thursday, April 2, 2009


GUESS WHAT!!! I'm pregnant! Oh wait I've only been pregnant for 24 weeks now. I know I am so lame and never post anything new. So here are some ultrasound pictures. I am so lucky and get ultrasounds all the time. I got some when I was 9 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 17 weeks, and 20 weeks. I found out I was having a boy when I was 16 weeks and it was confirmed at my 20 week ultrasound. We are so excited but can't decide on a name yet. We can't agree on anything. So hopefully we can in the next few weeks.


the New Adventure of life for Roxanne said...

It has been awhile since I've seen you guys but when I read the news I was so excited for you! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! (I just discovered your blog, so I can follow you now!)